
The pieces are inspired by the unconscious and what hides beneath the exterior of the physical. My work suggests to reflect on one’s mind and one's walk of life. 

I am a Korean-American abstract artist exploring “the process of knowing, healing, and harmonizing the inner life.” Issues of identity and metacognition serve as the basis of my work.

After receiving BFA Cum Laude from Fashion Institute of Technology and Politecnico di Milano, I have worked in New York City as a fashion designer.

My background in design definitely impacts my color development and creative processes. I find pleasure in the freedom of self-expression and story-telling aspects of abstract expressionism. My process often focuses on what is unconscious and unknown within what is presented before the viewer.


Fashion Institute of Technology, 미국 뉴욕, 미술학사 (BFA) 패션 디자인-니트웨어 (Cum Laude)

Politecnico di Milano, 이탈리아 밀라노, 미술학사 (BFA) 패션/의류 디자인-니트웨어  (Finale Collection)

활동 이력
2021 Group Exhibition, Seoul SEEA 2021 (예술의 전당 한가람 미술관)
2021 Group Exhibition, Seoul 그룹전 (마롱 197 강남점)
2021 Art Signal 아트시그널 캠패인 (Artistree2021.kr)
2020 오픈갤러리 그림렌탈 (opengallery.co.kr)
2020-2021 청년작가 콜라보레이션 프로젝트 (국회의사당 소통관, 광복회관, 경기도 의회, 포항창의센터, 경기도의원회)
2020 Group Exhibition, Cheongju 청주 작가미술장터 로그아트 재美지GO
2020 Solo Exhibition, Seoul 개인전 <Thoughts & Time> (국회의사당 소통관)
2016 Ocean Blue Designs, New York (미국 뉴욕)

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